TRAP | Queer Active Art Reading Performance
Olympia Bukkakis
Ariel Nil Levy
Laurean Wagner
Lisa Spears
Buch und Regie: Bogdan Georgescu
TRIGGER WARNING! We perform directly, openly, and transparently about „the drug that if you quit, everyone thinks you have a problem“. TRIGGER WARNING!
John drinks. John likes to drink. More than some, certainly less than others, but they have a feeling that things may have gotten out of hand, or at least that’s what other people have told them, and John is having second thoughts. The fall lasts, and John splits hairs for as long as they can, 75 minutes, to figure out if they can get on with their plan. Or do they have a problem? John hits a wall. A flood. A ceiling. John thinks. John is an alcoholic. What does John do?
Auf die Performances folgt ein Gespräch mit dem Publikum.
- 05.08.2024
- 07.08.2024
19:00 Uhr
STUDIO2 & Mediathek für Tanz und Theater
Deutschen Zentrums des Internationalen Theaterinstituts (Kunstquartier Bethanien) Mariannenplatz 210997 Berlin
Die Leseaufführungen finden auf Englisch statt.
Die Gespräche werden auf Englisch und Deutsch geführt.
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